Friday, October 9, 2009


Welcome to the Floating Harbor Support Group ! We are a group of over 50 families worldwide who are devoted to loving and helping our precious special children and adults.

This support group was founded in 1999 by Jan Passmore and Deana Swanson, both of whom had FHS sons very close in age (6 and 8 at the time) and happened to live in the same state. After a few years of searching for other families with the same diagnosis they were happy to have found each other and compare stories and coping strategies.

The support group was started to spread this information to other families with FHS children. Brochures, pictures and medical journal articles are available, as well as Safe Harbor, the FHS Support Group newsletter which is published three times a year. Pictures, articles, updates and questions are all welcome.

If you wish to contact the support group please contact Deana at the e-mail listed in this blog. She has studied FHS extensively, and collected medical journal articles on FHS and information from the families in the support group for over 10 years. We will be more than happy to assist you in any way that we can.